
The Australian Nursing Supply and Demand Report 2023-2035 provides a comprehensive analysis of the current and projected state of the nursing workforce in Australia. The report’s findings underscore the significant challenges facing the healthcare sector, particularly the projected undersupply of over 70,000 full-time equivalent (FTE) nurses by 2035. As a leading permanent nursing recruitment and retention company, Aussie Nurse Recruiters (ANR) recognises the urgency of addressing these challenges and is committed to playing a pivotal role in ensuring a sustainable and resilient nursing workforce for the future.

Key Findings and Implications:

The report highlights several critical issues, including:
  • Undersupply Across Sectors: By 2035, the acute care sector is projected to face an undersupply of 26,665 FTE nurses, the primary health care sector a shortfall of 21,765 FTEs, and the aged care sector a deficit of 17,551 FTEs. These shortages present a serious risk to the quality and accessibility of healthcare services across Australia.


  • Geographic Maldistribution: The report emphasises the ongoing challenge of geographic maldistribution, with rural and remote areas expected to experience the most severe shortages. This imbalance threatens the principle that no individual or community should be disadvantaged when accessing healthcare services.


  • Demographic Shifts: The ageing of the nursing workforce, combined with a decline in younger nurses entering the profession, further exacerbates the supply-demand gap. Additionally, the increasing reliance on internationally qualified nurses highlights the need for robust support systems to integrate these professionals into the Australian healthcare system.
ANR’s Position and Strategic Response:
At Aussie Nurse Recruiters, we believe that addressing the projected undersupply of nurses requires a multifaceted approach that focuses on both recruitment and retention. Our position is grounded in the following strategic pillars:

Targeted Recruitment Efforts:

    • Addressing Geographic Maldistribution: ANR is committed to recruiting nurses for underserved rural and remote areas by implementing targeted outreach programs and offering relocation incentives. Our efforts are focused on ensuring that all Australians, regardless of their location, have access to quality healthcare.
    • Leveraging International Talent: We actively recruit internationally qualified nurses and provide them with the support needed to successfully integrate into the Australian healthcare system. This includes assistance with the AHPRA registration process, orientation programs, and ongoing professional development opportunities.

Enhancing Retention Through Workforce Support:

    • Professional Development and Career Pathways: To retain skilled nurses, ANR collaborates with healthcare providers to offer comprehensive professional development opportunities. By creating clear career pathways and supporting continuous education, we help nurses advance within their roles, increasing job satisfaction and reducing turnover.
    • Workplace Wellbeing: Recognising the emotional and physical demands of nursing, especially in aged care, ANR advocates for the implementation of workplace wellbeing programs. These initiatives focus on mental health support, stress management, and fostering a positive work environment.

Innovative Solutions for Future Workforce Sustainability:

    • Partnerships with Educational Institutions: ANR is actively building partnerships with nursing schools and training programs to ensure a steady pipeline of qualified graduates. By influencing curriculum development and offering internship opportunities, we help prepare the next generation of nurses for the challenges they will face.
    • Technological Integration: We are exploring the use of advanced technologies, such as AI-driven recruitment tools and digital platforms, to streamline the hiring process and enhance the candidate experience. These innovations will be crucial in meeting the increasing demand for nursing services efficiently.


The Australian Nursing Supply and Demand Report 2023-2035 paints a sobering picture of the challenges ahead, but it also provides a roadmap for action. At Aussie Nurse Recruiters, we are fully committed to addressing these challenges head-on. By focusing on targeted recruitment, enhancing retention, and implementing innovative solutions, we aim to bridge the supply-demand gap and ensure a sustainable and resilient nursing workforce for Australia’s future.
As we move forward, ANR will continue to collaborate with healthcare providers, educational institutions, and policymakers to develop strategies that meet the evolving needs of the Australian healthcare system. Together, we can build a nursing workforce that not only meets the demands of today but is also prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.
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